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ADRC Minutes 06/21/2012
June 21, 2012, 5:45 p.m.

Members present: Rob Clapper, Dave Goslin, Terri Parrot
Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

Chairman Rob Clapper called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.

1.  Appl. 12-28P, Horseshoe Lane Associates LLC- request for a resubdivision to create 6 industrial lots and a Special Exception to Section 3.4 and Site Plan of Development for approval of a 155 unit multi-family development, to be known as “Nutmeg Village”, on the remaining 49.5 acres, for properties identified as R003 Nutmeg Road, L023 Pleasant Valley Road, 388 Pleasant Valley Road and a portion of 438 Pleasant Valley Road, located on the northerly side of Pleasant Valley Road, southerly side of South Satellite Road and easterly of Nutmeg Road South, I, MF-AA and A-20 zones

Ben Wheeler, Landscape Architect with Design Professionals, Inc presented the layout of the development.  Also present were Bob Urso, project developer, and David Holmes, architect with Capitol Studios Architects. The project consists of 155 condominium units (15 single family, 12 duplex, and 4-6 unit buildings) and six industrial lots.  The sole access for the residential is from Pleasant Valley Road.  The six industrial lots will front on to South Satellite Road.  

The site will have street trees along the entrance drive and each unit will have a varied “typical” foundation planting plan. Additional landscaping will be strategically placed to provide privacy between the units.  The plantings proposed around and in the detention basin area being selected to enhance the wildlife habitat.

The entrance sign is proposed to be located in the island adjacent to Pleasant Valley Road.

The perimeter of the site is subject to a 25 foot buffer.  The applicant is meeting this requirement in a variety of ways.  In some areas the existing vegetation will remain whereas other areas the applicant will establish the buffer with evergreen trees and shrubs.  There is a six foot high fence proposed along the northern property boundary adjacent to the industrial lots.

The recreation areas include a 4 foot stone dust walking trail throughout the development. In addition a sidewalk network is shown on one side of the road network.  

The street lights are pole that are 16 feet high through the single family residential area and 18 feet high in the multi-family area.  The applicant presented the isometric plan. Lipe questioned whether the applicant had considered adding additional lighting in the “dark spots”.  The applicant said they would check the lighting levels for safety.  

David Holmes presented the architectural elevations with samples of materials to be used and color palette. All the garages are in the front of the building and will step out approximately 6-8 feet.  The single family units will have two car garages and full basements.

The Committee reviewed the proposal. They suggested the buffer treatment should be reviewed once construction occurs for its effectiveness and suggested some treatment other than grass be utilized between the separate driveways. Generally, they were satisfied with the proposal as presented.

Respectfully submitted:

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner